Spring Cleaning Life

Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net


The blog-sphere is an interesting place—in a blog one often puts only the best foot forward–pulling out the finest China, flipping the rugs to the clean side, shutting the door on those messes of unmentionable human imperfection.  In my short time in this sphere as a contributor of the written word and in a longer duration as a reader, I am aware that eventually The Great and Powerful Oz will be exposed behind the curtain because alas, we are imperfect humans and nobody can keep up the horse and pony show with enough exactitude and finesse to hide the imperfect in their writing and life.  (As a reader I don’t want the horse and pony show; I want the voice of a true and fallible human.)  I am human, fallible, imperfect, and in the process of a good spring cleaning—the curtain is tied back–exposed.

Happiness, clutter, parenting, slowing down—these are all things I desire to improve—they are my dust bunnies and I write about them not because I have perfected them. I write to improve myself, and if I do learn something along the way, I want to share.  My life contains dust bunnies and spider webs in many places.  However, life is work; a good work–a work toward learning and improving—so the dust bunnies are just a part of the process in living.  This blog is my learning process; a life unfolding in the written word.  I’ve been learning a lot lately, and things are a bit untidy (literally and figuratively).  A season in my life is coming to a close, and I am joyous in this busy time of transition—I ask that you stay with me in this time of transition as readers and friends—and I apologize for my silence…I am learning and cleaning things up a bit (literally and figuratively).

Have a beautiful weekend.

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